Saturday, 31 May 2014

Lessons to reflect on

As I read through the forums and through online articles, I notice that there are a lot of interesting comments.  I, just like everyone else, has an opinion to share.  But I have observed the following things in my life and realize the importance behind each lesson I have learned.

1. Be thankful for each day: God has opened my eyes to some things and I am thankful for every day that passes now and every day that I have.  Each day brings something to me that I can share with others.
2. It doesn't matter who has it easier: I always see people argue about who has it easier in life than others.  Sometimes we believe that others aren't getting what they deserve and neither are we.  Why focus on others and how easy we think they have it in life?  The majority of the time, we end up finding out that they don't actually have it that easy at all.
3. Learn what forgiveness is: Ultimately, to keep loving friends and family in your life, you have to be able to learn how to forgive these people for their trespasses against you.  It also doesn't hurt to forgive those who have left your life either.  In fact, forgiving all those from your past for any wrongdoing is far more healthy than holding a grudge, and is also more pleasing to my Lord and Saviour.
4. Noone is ever truly looking for romance: Many people look for romantic relationships, but end up finding them for the wrong reasons.  Many friendships also develop and love is also developed between friends.  Romance happens for a reason and it can't really be forced or manipulated.  For those who do force romance, observe how happy these people truly are and you may be in for a surprise.
5. To guys with romantic girlfriends: The reasons you like your girlfriend will more often than not be the same reasons other guys like your girlfriend.  Some will try and convince your girlfriend to dump you and be with them instead (even if for one thing only).  The clever ones will know not to overstep her boundaries, but will often attempt to overstep yours in attempts to make you react in a manner that will scare your girl away from you.  Smart guys will be supportive and leave it alone and move on to the next one.
6. To girls with romantic boyfriends: There will be other girls that like your boyfriend for the same reasons you do.  However, it should be easy to spot people who will support your relationships and your decisions.  There will be friends in your life that simply don't like your choice of boyfriends, so the choice will be up to you what to do when they speak up.
7.  Misery truly does love company: Nothing can be truer for when you open up about what is bothering you.  Your loved ones and good friends will support you when you are feeling down and will be happy to see you come back up again after a rough period in your life.  Most other people would like to keep you down to boost their own egos.
8. Don't try to fool yourself: and don't try to fool God either.  God always knows when you are trying to fool him and it will eat away at you if you even try.  Be honest with yourself and God and open up all your thoughts and feelings to god and repent when you need to.  This is the most important step to understanding forgiveness.

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