Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Some Truths about the World you must learn by the age of 30.

I have come to realize that life can be very difficult and hard.  When it comes to work, to relationships and marriage, to your own physical and mental health, these are the harsh truths I had to learn:

1. The world doesn't care about your freedom or independent thoughts. This can hit really hard when you think about the recent #MeToo movement.  But outside of that, it most certainly applies to any job you work, any relationship you keep with people as well as what you may or may not do in your own private residence.  In fact, you may not even own your own residence, therefore the rules may be dictated to you in what you can and cannot do in that environment.  We also keep hearing stories about what your smartphones and devices can record when you don't think you are being recorded.  In this regard, one can only hope that what they have to say in their own private conversations with eachother won't get them in trouble one day.

2. Your boss doesn't care for your questions and independent thinking.  Your boss likely hired you to do a job.  Part of that job will require you to do as asked and listen to the rules they make up as things go along.  You may not be hired to think outside the job you were hired to do.  The rules sure might not make sense and maybe the rules may restrict your freedoms in the workplace.  Unfortunately for you, the boss isn't going to care what you think of the rules as they feels it is their right to manage the workplace as they sees fit.  After all, they are in the business to make money, not argue with employees and babysit.  Those who disagree can leave as far as they're concerned.  How the employee chooses to leave or comply is up to the employee. 

3. Your metabolism may eventually slow down for any reason.  In my early 20s, I could exercise and workout and eat whatever I wanted.  Albeit, I still ate a lot of healthy foods.  I was also a smoker mind you, and I would binge drink just about every other weekend.  Flash forward to my late 20's and early 30's and I literally have to eat less than the calories I expend throughout exercise to maintain a healthy weight.  My metabolism slowed down.  Part of it could be stress and anxiety that causes metabolism to slow down, or I just don't pay as much attention as I should to what I eat and when I eat.  I don't smoke or drink like I did when I was younger either.  The cigarettes did play a role in how much I ate from what I do remember.

4. Living with a partner and/or marrying them will increase financial spending and risks.  I could save more when living alone.  For some reason, it is becoming more and more difficult to do just that when you have a partner, married or not.  The government will recognize you as common law if you are not married, but living together and your taxes will reflect that each February-April.  I never had to owe taxes before being married, but I can sure as shit tell you that I did after.  My wife doesn't make as much as I do, but also needs more money that she doesn't have for certain items.  This puts plans for savings on hold more often than not.  The most recent expenditure was an air conditioner and those aren't cheap.

5. Simply quitting your job is not an option when you have bills to pay.  As much as you might want to quit your job because you hate your boss and think he is the biggest asshole, it is simply not an option.  It shouldn't be an option even when you are single and have to pay bills or when married and have dependents relying on you.  If your job doesn't require any marketable skills to move on to the next job, it will be up to you to upgrade your skills as necessary as your boss may not be interested in helping you out.  For example, you may want a clerical job elsewhere after working forklift jobs for a few years.  However, most jobs require the clerical experience and your boss doesn't want to give you clerical experience.  At this point, leaving won't be an option until you have the requisite experience. one way or another, or you can get an entry level clerical job elsewhere. 

6. There is no security in your job.  Goes with number 5 and to a certain degree, number 1 on this list either.  With employers wanting to pay cheaper and cheaper, the only option is to find a skill-set you can market yourself to succeed with.  Failure to do so will end up resulting in your job being lost one day and being replaced by either automation or a cheaper and easier to pay employee.

7. There is no security in your relationships. Outside of God and a relationship with Jesus (I am a believer btw), or your family, you will find no security in a relationship with anyone.  These people are only going to be around as long as it benefits them to do so.  More often than not, people don't want to be around a person they see as being too negative, or being too miserable.  It doesn't matter if you speak truth if the viewpoint is that you are being negative and toxic.  Negativity and truth can correlate together often as some people just want to enjoy life as they know it. 

8. You simply cannot allow anything to consume you/Learn to forgive.  Didn't get that promotion?  My previous entry will tell you I am in that same boat.  Don't get too focused on it and angry about it or you may end up behaving in a less professional manner (even if you don't realize it).  Partner cheated on you and you felt like you didn't deserve such treatment?  I have been there too in the past and the only real option is to just let it all go.  In my case, I let them go too as I knew I wouldn't be able to trust that person again. 
Fact of the matter is that people who allow themselves to be consumed by all the shit that has happened to them have a hard time letting things go.  In other words, they have a hard time forgiving the past.  These people also wonder why the people in their lives don't want anything to do with them anymore.  The fact is that people who are too caught up in the past sins that have been committed against them don't listen to other people.  It's as if there is no voice of reason.  Don't be that person.

9. Learning to forgive will relieve some of your stresses.  This is one I know I have a hard time remembering, but you will feel a heavy burden lifted off you when you learn to forgive.  It is better to learn this for yourself then to ask others.  You can ask God, or family for forgiveness, but you can never truly ask others as they may be too hardened to forgive you.  So do the forgiving for yourself and just let go.  You will definitely feel better for it.  I know it isn't always easy for me, but I know I can feel better when I do let something go.

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