Saturday, 15 September 2018

There is a reason why people say "be careful what you wish for..."

I said in my previous post about life lessons that are needed by age 30 that you can't allow anything to consume you.  The reason for it is what you allow to consume you is not only that you lose a lot of friends and respect from others, it ultimately comes back to you and how you handled yourself.  Think about the thoughts you have when these situations occur as well and you will understand what I mean by that.  Of course, this post is about common sense as well.  I find many people I come across now who seem lacking in that, and for whatever reason (and if you read comment sections on Facebook posts or other websites), people openly display their lack of common sense now and think nothing of it.  Perhaps as well that anyone reading this needed a reminder because they got stuck in a negative mindset and need to get out of it.

Ultimately the reason why one person has to be careful what they wish for is that they just might get it.  So if you are wishing for something positive and you are in fact praying about it, or making the efforts to better yourself, you may end up getting what you ask for.  Of course, it may not happen at the time you want it to happen, and that is ultimately why you need to be patient on that front while keeping your mind focused on other things important to you in the mean time.  Body builders for example don't build their muscles over night.  They had to work on it and they knew if they put their mind to it, they would get what they would ask for.  Instead of willing their way to having bigger arms, they did the work to achieve their goal and with a little help and some luck, they got there.

Of course, the same goes with negative thinking.  If you start thinking and worrying that something is going to happen, it might just happen.  For example, if you think that you will get into a fight with someone at work today, perhaps you will.  The reason why is because you were thinking about it and it happened.  That seems a little extreme and I can confirm it didn't happen to me or anyone else at work.  But maybe think about it for a second.  You have someone at work or school who is bullying or harassing you and you start thinking to yourself "if he/she calls me by that name one more time, I swear to got I will knock his/her teeth out."  What happens is that the person went and said the thing you didn't want to hear and you attempted to knock his teeth out.  You got what you wished for.

So with that being said, what do you want to ask for?  What is it that you want to think about?  Of course, we all have our dreams of winning the lottery, but that is more luck and completely out of your control.  It is nice to think about it, but perhaps we need to ask for something that we have a bit more control over.  Perhaps you want that promotion at work or that acceptance letter into Harvard.  Getting an offer is out of your hands, but you can do what you can to play your part and ask to be considered.  Of course, maybe you have filled your mind with negativity and it wasn't entirely your fault that it happened, and you want to fight something not worth fighting for.

You get what you think you will get.  That is the simple truth behind what I have to say today.  Whatever it is you think about is going to be what you get in the end.  It is that simple.

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