Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Asperger's Syndrome and Dating. Would you date a person with it?

Edit- October 16- 2013.  As much as you want to be treated like a normal person in a relationship, the truth is it isn't going to happen.  I have definitely found this out for myself in the year and a half since writing this blog entry.  Realizing the difference between how I process things and how NT's process things have played its role.  I unfortunately came to the realization that almost all NT's are astract thinkers, and I am far more literal as a thinker.  Why?  Because doing all that work to process things is way too much work for someone like me... especially if there is a lack of help in getting two people to understand eachother.  Hence the line below of "No mature women will help an Aspie learn what comes naturally...."  And I have also learned that most people will not make the time or effort to learn and understand what is different about the way I think.

First things first.  I have asked many friends and co-workers and even employers, they would have never guessed that I had Aspergers syndrome (AS).  Not even people I have dated.  Why is this?  Because I am not much different from a Neurotypical Thinker (NT).  I do lean more towards the logical and reason in terms of how I think.  But I do have emotions, and somehow over the years developed a degree of empathy.  I have done my soul searching over the years and I know when I am at my most confident, and when I am a little shy.  I even know what time of year I should expect to get depressed in.  I fought demons like others have as well.  Many things like this make me proud to be who I am.  However, the one thing I have always longed for is the love of a good women.  I have probably the worst dating experience out of anyone I know.  I am sure there are worse dating stories than mine, but let's focus on mine.
This blog I am going to focus on the negative part of it the AS and dating, because reading about it pisses me off.  Here are the top three reasons (in my honest opinion) for people not wanting to date someone with AS

I have read opinions on the Plentyoffish forums, and other opinions on the internet.  I have some work to do myself when it come to dating and relationships.  But what makes everyone else think they are perfect and need to find the perfect person?  Experience!  Someone like me has very little experience.  Person #1 disliked dating an Aspie because we seem to think that we never make mistakes or refuse to learn from our mistakes.  Funny, I have met people who aren't AS, and act the same way.  But the reason for that opinion is because the typical Aspie can't handle the simplest form of constructive criticism.  You tell me not to make a certain joke because it hurts your feelings.  I forget and now you are yelling at me and I yell back at you.  Trust me, no Aspie likes to get yelled at for any reason.  And if you are like me, you are already too hard on yourself anyway, this opinion may make things worse for you.
Person #2 states they didn't like dating an Aspie because certain things that come naturally for NT, don't for us.  The ability to pick up on social cues and read body language understand or how a person is feeling is what person # 2 is referring to.  The comment was that "no mature woman will waste their time trying to help an Aspie learn things that come naturally for all other men".  Most women my age seem to think that way too from my understanding through conversations I have had.  It's an expectation by now that you have learned it and no feebdack is required.  That helps an inexperienced man with AS how?  Most people I talk to have no clue how to read body language expect for basic body language.  If I wanted to know when someone is lying to me, I don't always read their body language, but I like to repeat some questions here and there to see if the story has changed.  I pay attention to details better, and that helps me in a lot of situations.
Person #3 has indicated that there are too many problems with communicating with body language.  Yes, the Aspie does not know how to read the body language of the other person very well, we know this already.  Now what about the Aspie's body language?  It is often said that I give mixed signals and lead women to believe I am not interested when I am in fact interested.  So the people I date have indicated to me that they don't know how to react to me.  That is why I don't date people now unless I meet them through a friend of mine who knows me well enough him/herself. 
Person #4 has no clue what AS is.  The worst thing you do to a person with AS is label them.  From youth we are stigmatized as different.  Yes, I got picked on as a kid and from previous blogs you can tell.  I like to point out that I am a proud Aspie, but doesn't mean you can treat me like I am different from any other human being.  I fought my whole life to be treated like a normal human being.  The fact that I am treated like one while being an Aspie makes me extremely proud of myself.  It should make others with AS proud of it too.  But the stigma and the lack of understanding makes people scared.  And women don't want to take time to understand things that you may not know how to explain in plain English yourself.  The funny thing about this is people tell me I am closed minded because of my intense interests.  What is closed-minded is people not wanting to understand when they meet someone with it, or simply not wanting to treat me like a normal person.  This is closed-mindedness at it's best and that is what I found to be the single biggest reason for my dating failure.
If there are any other reasons why people don't like dating an Aspie, throw me a line.  My next blog I will cover the positives of dating an Aspie.

Furthermore, it is also my understanding that  people may be offended by the word "Aspie"  I only apologize if you are offended, but I will continue to use the word because it is much easier to type that out than Asperger's all the time, and because it doesn't offend me.

Edit- October 16- 2013.  As much as you want to be treated like a normal person in a relationship, the truth is it isn't going to happen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The main problem is that all us Aspies (Including myself) are more used to being played and put down through out our entire lives. If we ever get approved, we'll just end up putting them down too. I consider most women a threat to me.
