Friday 27 September 2013

Self Defeat part 2: Just quit while you're ahead.

I did say that sensory issues or meltdowns would be the focus of this entry.  Well, it may or may not be.  It only depends on your actions during a certain scenario.

There comes the moments in life where you have to make a really tough decision about what to do with a loved one, or a friend or a special relationship with a girlfriend/boyfriend.  Everyone strives to end things on good terms with eachother and without hard feelings.  Sometimes it doesn't work that way.  This of course leads to some anger issues and some irresponsible decisions being made based off the emotions we felt around being told "I think it's time we part and go different ways."  Trust me, I have been there and I know I have made some horrible decisions because I didn't want to move on when the other did.  The truth is I should have just stopped and just quit while I was ahead.  Either I or the other person made the decision.  It should be a decision that we stick with.

When you have come to a rational decision about moving on, sometimes the other person will do whatever they can to convince you to change your mind.  It happens.  What also happens is we might have a feeling of empathy in that moment and realize that it's possible we were being too hard on that person when we wanted to move on and we give another chance as well.  This can pay off quite well and a great friendship/relationship can be restored and grow.

On the other hand, there was a reason you needed to leave that person behind.  Let's just say you know you needed to move on because it wasn't beneficial for one of you or both to continue such a friendship.  You have made that decision for the greater good and you need to let it go now and move on.  Someone could say some hurtful things to you and you might be hurt by it.  This is where you need to stop.  There is no need to go back, and there is no need to say anything hurtful right back.  If you do go back or say something nasty in return, the other person usually knows that they have you in the palm of their hands.  They can make you do what they want you to do.  Do you really want this kind of person in your life after all?

In my experience, if you have a friendship that isn't going to be of any benefit to you, or the other, or for the both of you for that matter, it might be time speak up.  If things work out, then good.  If they don't, just walk away without the hard feelings.  Once the hard feelings come into play, you have signalled to the other person that you have lost control.  Now they know not come back to you when they need a friend because they know that you will be bothered by them.

Making rational decisions about your friendships is the smart thing to do.  In your rational thinking, you can observe what the cost of being involved with another person is, and whether the cost is worth it.  Emotional decisions will bother the other person greatly.  This is the reason why you should quit while your ahead.

Part 3 will be about indecision.

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