Sunday 29 September 2013

Self-Defeat Part 3: Indecision.

You need to make a very important decision in your life.  You have to decide which job to take, which city to move to, which girl you want to be with.  Life can throw you a lot of opportunities and you have to make the best choice.  So what happens if you're incapable of making the decision?  Either someone else makes it for you, or you don't make the decision at all.  This often leads to self-defeat since you couldn't allow yourself to succeed in making the most responsible decisions for yourself.

I have seen it within myself the most.  I have also seen it within others in my life.  Making decisions should be about yourself since you are in control of yourself more than you are other people.  Others often make decisions that are in their best interest.  Good people don't want to make choices for indecisive people themselves.  That in a way is too much power and responsibility.  This can also often lead to being incapable of making decisions for yourself since you were too focused on others.  There are plenty of people out there that will take advantage of such generosity and won't hesitate in doing so.

Of course, noone likes indecisive people at their whole.  The indecisive people are often those who can't take a stand and will fall for anything.  Indecisive people often allow others to take advantage of them.  So what exactly does this do for you?  Hopefully you have to learn your lesson that making a smart rational decision will show people that you stand for something.  Being indecisive often shows others that you can't make a stand.  Maybe you can't even stand up for yourself and what you believe to be right.

With that being said, no employer is going to wait on you for you to make up your mind.  No family member is going to do that as well.  None of your friends or girlfriends, or special people in your life will ever wait on you to make a decision.  If you want to give in to self-defeat by not being able to make a responsible decision for yourself, feel free to do so.  You will find that life for others will go on without you.

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