Saturday, 19 January 2013

The real truth- what Aspergers really is.

I am going to communicate this really clearly.  There will be no deep thought required in understanding what I have to say.  Those who are looking for a deep meaning should look elsewhere if it makes them feel better in doing so

Obsessive traits are related to Aspergers, but obsessive traits are essentially the traits of someone diagnosed with Obsessive Compulisve Disorder (OCD).  You don't need to have Aspergers to have OCD and vice versa.

Anxiety comes from fear and listening to what your mind tells you.  You don't need to have Aspergers to have Anxiety and vice versa. 

You can be an introvert or an extrovert.  Neither personality type is predisposed to Aspergers.  You either like to talk to people, or you like to keep to yourself.

Being sad or happy is really just a state of mind.  Everyone can go through a period of sadness or depression.  You don't need to have depression to be Aspergers

Emotions can be either intense or cold like a person who has Bi-polar disorder or some other type of disorder.  But this still doesn't fit the bill on what Aspergers really is.

People with any of the above conditions or states of mind may not have any issues in communicating or socializing with other people.  They may or may not have any sensory issues of their own.  The personalities don't even matter.  And more importantly, meltdowns and shutdowns happen in normal people as well.

What Aspergers at it's core is heightened senses (including emotions and increased empathy in some cases) with problems in social settings and communication.  Once the senses are controlled and understood, only then can the problems with social settings and communication be improved.  The senses can easily cause a meltdown.

Edit- January 20, 2012.  Another truth.  Everything above is a mental label that are given to you by some doctor or shrink.  You can also view it as psychological or philosophical bullshit as well.  Another truth is that if you live by a label, you will die by that label.

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